Texas False Claims Act – Qui Tam Whistleblower
The state of Texas passed the Texas False Claims Act in 1995. It also passed the Texas Medical Fraud Prevention Act (TMFPA). These laws provide recourse for the Texas government after fraud or loss in the Texas Medicaid Program. Fraud in the program costs the taxpayers of Texas millions per year. The Texas Medicaid Program provides prescription drug coverage and health care to low-income Texans.
The Texas False Claims Act provides protections and rewards for whistleblowers to report Texas Medicaid fraud. Filing a claim on behalf of the Texas government is known as a qui tam lawsuit.
Texas False Claims Act
The Texas False Claims Act and the Texas Medicaid False Claims Act allows individuals to bring a case on behalf of the state government to recover from Medicaid fraud. The whistleblower proceeds with a claim on behalf of the state. As encouragement for reporting wrongdoing, the whistleblower is eligible to receive part of the judgement or settlement. Another name for the whistleblower is the “relator”. A relator need not have all the evidence needed to prove a claim. An investigation can uncover new evidence or witnesses once a claim is made.
Texas Medicaid fraud whistleblower cases are filed under seal.
Texas False Claim Act Penalties
The combined Texas laws allow for penalties of $5,500 to $15,000 per violation that results in injuries to the elderly, disabled, or minors. Additionally, those who violate the law are subject to penalties of two times the damage. For example, if a physician overcharged Texas Medicaid by $300,000 through three separate actions, the total penalties could be up to $645,000.
Physicians, hospitals, and drug companies are all entities that have had qui tam lawsuits against them for overcharging or mischarging the State of Texas. An example in 2014, the State of Texas reached a nearly $20 million settlement with Taro Pharmaceuticals for inflating prices in reports to Medicaid.
I Have a Texas False Claims Act Claim
If you believe you have knowledge of a wrongdoing affecting the Medicaid system of Texas, contact the experienced whistleblower qui tam lawyers of Schneider Wallace. An experienced attorney can review your claim to determine and assist with proceeding with a Texas qui tam lawsuit.
Texas provides protections against retaliation for whistleblowers under their statute. Contact the lawyers of Schneider Wallace at 1-800-689-0024 or info@schneiderwallace.com.
Texas False Claim Act Rewards
Texas whistleblower rewards can be up to 30 percent of the recovery. This reward is to recognize the efforts of the whistleblower to assist the government in a recovery, and to encourage those with knowledge of wrongdoing to step forward and report Medicaid fraud.
Schneider Wallace works on a contingency fee, so whistleblowers do not need to spend their own money to hire a qui tam lawyer. Schneider Wallace only recovers fees and costs if they secure a whistleblower reward for a client. Schneider Wallace maintains a Houston Texas office and can represent Texas whistleblowers.
Texas False Claim Act Rules
Texas law establishes these liabilities:
Texas’s establishes these rights and awards to qui tam lawsuits:
Texas False Claims Act Statute of Limitations
The Texas False Claims Act and Texas Medical Fraud Prevention Act allows for claims up to six years from the time of the act. Any claim made for actions more than six years in the past would be beyond the statute of limitations.
A company or person may commit multiple violations. If a company is incorrectly billing the government for over a decade, the violations that have occurred within the last six years can still be subject to a claim.
Texas False Claim Lawyer
Schneider Wallace represents Texas whistleblowers. Schedule a consult with our false claim lawyers for a free and confidential consultation. Contact us at 1-800-689-0024 or info@schneiderwallace.com.