Prudential Security Hit with Wage and Hour Class Action Brought by Security Guard Employees
Prudential Security faces a lawsuit brought by security guards represented by Schneider Wallace Cottrell Konecky for the company’s alleged unlawful wage and hour policies and practices. The class action complaint was filed in Illinois state court, Cook County on April 6, 2021. The action seeks recovery for Prudential Security guards for claims they were not properly compensated in violation of Illinois state wage and hour laws.
Prudential Security is a security company that provides security services to commercial and residential properties in Illinois and throughout the United States. Prudential Security employees monitor and patrol premises they are assigned to on foot and in security vehicles, screening individuals and license plate numbers of vehicles entering secured locations and responding to any situations that may arise. Guards state that they typically work shifts in excess of 8 hours a day and at least 4-5 days per week. Prudential Security allegedly requires its security guards to arrive early, before their clock-in time, in order to relieve the security guard(s) who are ending the previous shift and allow for an uninterrupted transition of the guarding duties. The security guards claim they were required to begin working for approximately 10 to 15 minutes before they are allowed to clock in and are not compensated for this time.
Additionally, at the end of their shifts, Prudential Security employees are allegedly required to complete additional work duties, such as refueling company vehicles and monitoring premises, allegedly after they have clocked out. These tasks regularly take approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete and are also not compensated. Depending on the number of hours worked in a day, this unpaid time is owed to Prudential Security employees at both straight-time and overtime rates.
The class action seeks to represent all current and former non-exempt, hourly security guards employed by Prudential Security throughout the State of Illinois at any time between 2018 until resolution of the action.
Schedule a Free Wage and Hour Employment Legal Consultation
If you believe you are not being paid for all the time you have worked or are not being paid the overtime due to you, we invite you to schedule a consultation with our employment attorneys. Schneider Wallace Cottrell Konecky LLP is a national law firm that represents employees in a wide range of employment law cases, including class action lawsuits involving the failure to pay wages, overtime pay and commissions.